Saturday 7 October 2017

Design & Construct Your House Retaining Wall With Timber Retaining Walls

To construct timber retaining walls, start by digging a trench along the line of where your wall will be. The trench ought to be around the depth and width of the timbers you will use to build the wall. If you require space to work on the back side of the wall, dig that space before you start constructing the wall. Utilize a line level to level the ground where the timbers will lay Place the first row of timbers level in the trench. After your first row of timbers is laid along the trench start stacking your second row of timbers. Amaze the ends of the timbers to guarantee a strong wall. Join each layer of timbers to the layer below it with spikes (8 inch long 60D nails). Timber retaining walls is built straight - not slanted like a stone wall - to keep a level or plumb helpful as you stack them. 
  • Timber Tie-Backs 
   If your wall will be higher than around 18 inches, utilize tieback timbers, each eight or ten feet on different levels to hold you wall upright and ensure it won't fall forward because of the steady weight applied upon it from behind (top disappointment). To include a tieback timber, essentially lay one timber opposite to alternate timbers however, with its length reaching out into the region that will be refilled. At the point when the area is refilled this timber will act as an anchor to hold the wall set up and guarantee your timberretaining walls will last. 

timber retaining walls
  •  Timbers United into One Structure 
One part of my retaining wall design which is somewhat not the same as others you may see is that I like to join the whole timber holding wall structure with re-bar driven vertically through all timbers and into the ground via hole that is drilled through all the retaining wall timbers after they are totally stacked. The re-bar should fit tightly into the drilled hole. Building a timber retaining walls is hard work so utilize timbers that will last. You may even consider utilizing timbers with a vinyl or polymer covering.